West Virginia’s Home Visitation Program

West Virginia’s Home Visitation Program (WVHVP) engaged The Stephen Group (TSG) in April 2023 to evaluate the implementation of WV Connections. TSG’s approved evaluation plan includes a comprehensive assessment of the project’s activities through a descriptive trend analysis of WV Connections system usage. The evaluation plan is designed to use data collected through the shared information system and feedback from WVHVP partners and families to inform practice, decision-making, and expansion of the innovation to other areas of the state.

By implementing WV Connections, a web-based resource directory and closed-loop referral system powered by findhelp®, WVHVP intends to increase the infrastructure of home visitation services and resources available to and accessible to at-risk families. WV Connections will improve the delivery of MIECHV and other needed services by facilitating the completion of family needs assessments, enhancing program linkage and referrals to an expanded continuum of services, and promoting bidirectional communication between referral and service provider agencies. Ultimately, we anticipate the innovation will serve to improve health and well-being outcomes of families served through the MIECHV program. Key project partners include MIECHV Home Visiting Programs, Domestic/Sexual Assault Programs, Foster/Adoption Organizations, Behavioral Health Organizations, Recovery Organizations, Health Services, Family Resource Network Offices, Family Support Centers, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Title V/DHHR, Child Welfare, WIC, Housing, Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), and Smoking Cessation.