Mr. DeStefano is a subject matter expert consultant for The Stephen Group and he brings extensive experience providing consultation on various issues impacting the implementation of child welfare and other health and human service programs. His range of experience includes development of public / private partnerships, performance based contracting, program evaluation; development and use of software and database applications; SACWIS review, assessment and requirements; maximization of federal revenues; federal compliance with program standards; external evaluation and reporting; random moment sampling; rate setting; cost reporting; project management; work process analysis; and the development and implementation of program policies and procedures. His primary areas of work have focused on program analysis and practice integration, external program evaluation, workflow development, rate setting, Title IV-E cost reimbursement, and assessment of community based services in child welfare. As a certified Six Sigma Green Belt, he is experienced with the use of multiple process improvement tools and strategies. Mr. DeStefano holds a B.A. in Psychology from Purdue University and a M.A. in Public Policy.
Prior to beginning his consulting career Mr. DeStefano served in various direct service and management capacities for community-based not-for-profit human service organizations.
Educational Background:
M.A., Public Policy: New England College, Thesis: Kinship Care Interventions as a Secondary Prevention Strategy: Financial, Programmatic and Policy Implications in a Privatized Child Welfare System of Care
B.A., Psychology: Purdue University
Relevant Publications:
Elder, J.K., DeStefano, D.J., Blazevski, J., Schuler C.A. (2012) Key Recommendations for Developing a Foundation and Framework for Successful Implementation of Performance-Based Contracting, A Case Study. Journal of Public Child Welfare; Special Edition, (Spring 2011 Publication).
Collins-Camargo C., DeStefano, D.J., Ensign, K. Hall, Jennifer, Garstka, T.A., Kearney, K. (2010) A Five Year Study of the National Quality Improvement Center on the Privatization of Child Welfare Services: Innovations in Performance-Based Contracting and Quality Assurance Systems. 2010 National Conference: Alliance for Children and Families.
DeStefano D.J., Elder, J.K., Schuler C.A., D’Aiuto W. (2009) Improving Practice and Outcomes through Collaboration and Performance-Based Contracting in Florida’s Child Welfare System, Professional Development, The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education, 10 (3), 58-66.
DeStefano, D.J. (2012) Analysis of Family Finding Cost Efficiencies: A Process Overview, 2012 Administration for Children and Families Joint Grantees Annual Meeting: Plenary Session Presentation, Washington, D.C.
Ellis, R., DeStefano, D.J. The Impact of Family Finding Activities on Child Welfare Outcomes: Processes and Findings, (2012) 18th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, D.C.